Absolute Beginners

Absolute Beginners is a new factory for Park Royal Industrial Estate, where young people can learn how to make basic goods in radically sustainable ways.

We run paid workshop programmes where local 17-21 year olds learn how to make an everyday project, using local, recycled materials, simple tools, and off-grid or low-carbon power. You can see some of our work here.

We want to build an alternative, low-impact economy, where we make and use the things we need ourselves.

We want to work with local young people to do this, to help them gain the skills and confidence they need to set up their own businesses, and empower them to tackle climate change.

And we want to open up a space to talk about where our stuff comes from, how we consume, and how we might build a new economy, fit for a world in a climate emergency.

Absolute Beginners is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company. Founded and directed by Tom James. Workshops led by Phil Root, Lauren MacDonald, Lucy Baxandall and Camille Biddell. Youth engagement by Ayse Koklu (2023) and Cam Jarvis (2021).  Graphic design by Jon Cannon. Website built by Artur Turkuli.

We’re on instagram → here.
We’re on twitter → here.
Email us → hello@absolute-beginners.info